Protection For Merchants
With card-not-present (CNP) fraud on the rise around the world, Acquiring banks are increasingly looking for ways to mitigate lost revenues, as a direct result of unauthorized transactions, and chargebacks, to their merchants’ web sites.
3-D Secure™services for banks and merchants provide Internet merchants with the ability to verify their consumers’ true identities through a secure, electronic, non ‘face-to-face’ authentication process.
Our cGate® SecureVerify is ideal for helping Acquiring banks. Our solution allows their merchants to process 3-D Secure™transactions though Verified by Visa and MasterCard®SecureCode™.
Chargeback Liability
This technology was designed by the Card Associations to provide Acquiring banks and their merchants with protection from fraudulent transactions, chargebacks and unauthorized payments made on an eCommerce website. Chargeback Liability is shifted from the merchant to the Card Holders Issuer. This means the issuing bank will be liable to reimburse of the customer.
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